The selected group will benefit from:
- An outstanding, highly collaborative research environment in tumor immunology, immunoengineering, and the tumor microenvironment within in the Department of Oncology, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Lausanne and Swiss Cancer Leman Centre
- Brand-new, generous research space in the upcoming SE-C building at the Centre Laboratoire Epalinges, scheduled to open in early 2025.
- Access to state-of-the-art research platforms, including an SPF and germ-free animal facilities, in vivo and in vitro imaging, genomic technology facility, and bioinformatics support.
- Administrative support.
- Salary support for one additional year for the Principal Investigator (PI) following the end of the program, subject to evaluation.
We are looking for candidates with:
- An excellent track record of achievements and publications in cancer biology.
- A compelling research program that complements and strengthens the areas of expertise of the department.
- Eligibility for external support through the Ambizione, ERC StG, or SNF StG career development programs.
>>Check our currently open research positions - DOF UNIL-CHUV<<
Please submit a letter of motivation, CV, and a 5-page summary of your future research vision to by September 5, 2024.