Module thématique de l’école doctorale en psychologie sociale
This seminary has two main goals. The first aim is to provide insights about theory formation in social psychology by developing a practical methodology for constructing explanatory theories, from :
(1) identifying a relevant phenomenon that becomes the target of explanation; to
(2) formulating a prototheory –a set of theoretical principles that explain these phenomena-;
(3) developing a formal model including explanatory principles;
(4) checking the adequacy of the formal theory; and
(5) assessing the overall worth of the theory testing whether the phenomena are reproduced systematically. The second goal is to encourage participants to follow a research strategy, independently of the theoretical approach, that should be useful for framing any research challenge.
To that end, the seminary begins with the examination of classical theories already existing, apparently well-established- that included a series of limitations or questions to be solved– e.g. the common ingroup identity model, intergroup contact, self-verification – to the emergence of a fully new theory, identity fusion –a visceral feeling of oneness that predicts extreme pro-group behaviors. The different steps for the establishment and generalization of the theory will be revised as its causes, consequences, as well as underlying mechanism.
Le module aura lieu le 4-5 décembre 2023 à l'Université de Lausanne et le 6-7 décembe 2023 à l’Université de Genève.
Enseignent : Angel Gómez, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, Madrid, Spain
Sur demande d'inscription uniquement.