As of 31 May 2021, the obligation to work from home can be lifted for companies that organise regular COVID testings. This will be the case at UNIL. In this newsletter, you will find details about the testing concept that will be implemented on campus as of 17 June, as well as details about teleworking, which is now recommended, and working on site. Then there is information on vaccination, events, access to buildings, catering, teaching and upcoming exams. Finally, read the latest news from the UNIL-EPFL Sports Service.
Self-tests available on campus
From 17 June 2021, UNIL will be offering its entire community a testing concept as recommended by the canton of Vaud health authorities. This system will allow the obligation to telework to be lifted as of this date.
Hence, any colleague or student who wishes to do so can carry out a COVID-19 test (self-test by nasal swab) when they come to the campus.
To carry out a test, a reception desk and private booths are available:
The test is anonymous. Only the date, the presence of symptoms (self-evaluation) and the test result will be recorded.
Teleworking: recommended
From 17 June 2021 onwards, teleworking is recommended for all colleagues in activities that allow it. It will remain possible for the entire activity rate.
On-site work is also authorised when it reduces the personal difficulties encountered by colleagues. UNIL invites unit managers to take into account the situation of each individual. Attendance will continue to be planned in order to maintain a limited number of people simultaneously present in the shared spaces. Provided that the performance of activities is not hindered, it is recommended that a maximum of 50% of the colleagues in a unit be present on site.
This principle and the corresponding provisions apply until 31 August 2021, subject to any worsening of the health situation.
When working on site, the applicable health measures must be strictly observed:
The specific rules for buildings under the responsibility of the CHUV or EPFL apply.
The measures applicable to vulnerable persons with a medical certificate remain in force. Further information can be obtained from the Human Resources Department.
As the Federal Office of Public Health reminds us, there are at least seven good reasons to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 disease.
Everyone benefits from this individual action.
If the vaccination is carried out during working hours, the absence from work is treated as a medical visit. The procedures for medical appointments apply. On-site work should not interfere with the availability of colleagues to be vaccinated.
Vaccinated persons, even if they have received two doses of the vaccine, are still required to comply with the sanitary measures in force and to apply protective measures at all times.
Organisation of events
Find the additional conditions to be respected on
Organisation of aperitifs and meals on campus
The organisation of an aperitif or a meal on campus is permitted, if it is organised by a campus restaurant in a place where you can sit down once served.
The self-organised or spontaneous organisation of aperitifs, meals or buffets is prohibited on the entire campus.
The cafeterias are no longer reserved exclusively for members of the university community.
Detailed information on the opening hours of the cafeterias:
Access to the buildings on the Dorigny campus
The buildings remain closed and access is by means of your Campus Card. You will find all the useful information here:
Upcoming teaching and exams
At UNIL, some exams will be held in person, in compliance with official precautionary measures. Discover the details of this organisational challenge in the Protection Plan for in person examinations during the spring and autumn 2021 sessions.
Teaching will resume on Tuesday 21 September 2021. The new provisions enacted by the Federal Council, in view of the current situation, allow a return to in person teaching. The Rectorate and the faculties are currently studying the policy for the use of video recording, broadcasting and recording of courses in this context.
Sports to be experienced throughout the summer
Throughout the summer, the UNIL-EPFL Sports Service is at your side to keep you moving. Discover the activities on offer until 4 July.
From July to mid-September, a lighter summer programme will be put in place.
Participation is still based on registration, but the new, more flexible precautionary measures allow more people to take part in the activities.
You can also take advantage of the summer sports camps. All the information is on the Sports Centre website.
To discover: free and open access sports and leisure equipment
Since the end of May, 3 connected locker stations have been installed on the campus. There is something for everyone when it comes to sports and leisure activities. All equipment is available free of charge and with free access.
The lockers are located in the outdoor changing rooms of the Sports Centre, on the Amphimax esplanade and next to the terrace of the Anthropole.