Joakim Reiter of Sweden who has taken office as Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development at the Assistant Secretary-General level on 1 April 2015 will deliver the Otto-Riese-Memorial Lecture on Thursday 17 September 2015 at 17:15 at the Opening Ceremony of the LLM Programme in International and European Economic and Commercial Law (MAS) of the University of Lausanne. Prof. Andreas R. Ziegler, Director of the LLM Programme is proud and happy that the Deputy Secretary-General has accepted his invitation. He will speak on "Reforming international investment governance: fostering sustainable development in Africa". Our LLM graduates will receive their diplomas on this occasion. The event is followed by an "Apéro Riche".
The programme organizes a lecture series in honour of Otto Riese. Otto Riese (1894-1977) was a professor and Dean at the University of Lausanne Law School who became the first German judge at the European Court of Justice.
The University of Lausanne situated at a conveniently short distance from Geneva and its International organizations offers a unique postgraduate programme (starting either in Fall or Spring semesters) leading to the award of an LL.M. in International and European Economic and Commercial Law. The programme is entirely in English as per the following specializations: International and European Economic Law OR International and European Commercial Law. Registration is still possible until 30 june 2015.